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월간 '리더피플', 창간15주년 기념 ‘2024대한민국전문리더15인’ 선정

월간 '리더피플'은 5월 13일자 보도자료에서 창간15주년 특별기획으로 ‘2024대한민국전문리더15인’을 선정했다고 밝혔다. 


월간 '리더피플'의 발행인 김동성 한국전문언론인협회 회장은 “우리 사회 각 분야에서 오랫동안 전문적인 리더십을 발휘하는 분들을 선정해서 창간15주년 특집호를 발행하게 됐다”면서 “이분들이야말로 우리 사회를 이끌어가는 리더들이며, 국가경쟁력 강화에 기여하는 분들”이라고 설명했다. 

월간 '리더피플'은 5월 13일자 보도자료에서 창간15주년 특별기획으로 ‘2024대한민국전문리더15인’을 선정(사진)했다고 밝혔다.   ©브레이크뉴스


주최 측이 밝힌 선정이유는 다음과 같다.


*오세훈 서울특별시장/행정부문: 4선 시장으로서 서울시 행정을 입체적이고도 미래지향적으로 추진함으로써 서울시민들의 평가를 받음.

*장복만 (주)동원개발 회장/건설부문: 건강한 향토기업으로 성실한 건축시공과 사후 관리로 입주민들의 안락한 주거문화를 정착시켰음.

*이상춘 건웅토건(株) 대표/단체리더부문: 충북도민회 강남구 회장에 취임하여 회원들의 끈끈한 결속과 독특한 친목 분위기를 조성함.

*오흥배 대신정기화물자동차(주) 회장/물류부문: 우리나라의 선구적인 물류기업으로 고객만족과 직원복지 등에서 경쟁사들의 모범이 됨.  

*구자관 삼구아이앤씨 책임대표사원/이웃소싱부문: 도전의 아이콘으로, 서번트 리더로 평가받으며 국내 아웃소싱업의 글로벌 경쟁력 제고에 앞장.

*장성근 법률사무소 강물 변호사/법조부문: 지역변호사회 회장으로 성실한 변론활동을 하는 가운데 '변호사 봉사단'을 만들어 지역사회에 봉사.

*박영옥 스마트인컴 대표/주식투자부문: 종잣돈 4300만원으로 1000억대 자산을 일군 주식농부로서 개미투자자들의 멘토로 자리 잡음.          

*강신성 세무법인 세광 대표/세무부문: 업계에서 ‘택스트러블 명의(名醫)’로 통하면서 고객사의 ‘맞춤 해결사’로 역동적인 행보를 보임.

*김영귀 KYK김영귀환원수 대표/과학CEO부문: 물과학 연구로 45년째 한우물을 파며 세계 58개국 소비자 검증을 통과하는 우수성을 입증. 

*신명주 용인 명주병원 병원장/로컬의료부문: 혁신적인 의료기술로 무장한 용인시민들의 건강지킴이로서 지역의료체계 발전에 기여.

*배용근 (주)배관제일 대표이사/제조업부문: 우수한 품질의 제품으로 고객만족과 상생(相生)을 기업윤리로 거래처와의 윈윈전략을 실천.             

*김광자 좋은날눈부시게 대표/한복명장부문: 세계에 우리한복의 아름다움을 전파하는 민간외교관의 역할을 하며 한복문화발전에 공헌.     

*신명주 용인 명주병원 병원장/로컬의료부문: 혁신적인 의료기술로 무장한 용인시민들의 건강지킴이로서 지역의료체계 발전에 기여.

*배용근 (주)배관제일 대표이사/제조업부문: 우수한 품질의 제품으로 고객만족과 상생(相生)을 기업윤리로 거래처와의 윈윈전략을 실천.             

*김광자 좋은날눈부시게 대표/한복명장부문: 세계에 우리한복의 아름다움을 전파하는 민간외교관의 역할을 하며 한복문화발전에 공헌.     

*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>

Monthly ‘Leader People’ selected as ‘2024 Korea’s 15 Professional Leaders’ in commemoration of its 15th anniversary

-Reporter Park Jeong-dae


In a press release dated May 13, the monthly ‘Leader People’ announced that it had selected ‘2024 Korea’s 15 Professional Leaders’ as a special project for its 15th anniversary.

Kim Dong-seong, publisher of the monthly ‘Leader People’ and president of the Korea Association of Professional Journalists, said, “We have selected people who have demonstrated professional leadership for a long time in each field of our society and published a special issue for the 15th anniversary of the publication,” adding, “These are the people who lead our society. “They are leaders and people who contribute to strengthening national competitiveness,” he explained.

The reasons for selection stated by the organizers are as follows.

*Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon/Administrative Department: As a four-term mayor, he was evaluated by Seoul citizens by promoting Seoul city administration in a three-dimensional and future-oriented manner.

*Chairman Jang Bok-man of Dongwon Development Co., Ltd./Construction Division: As a healthy local company, we have established a comfortable residential culture for residents through diligent construction and follow-up management.

*Lee Sang-chun, CEO of Kunwoong Construction/Group Leader Category: Inaugurated as president of Gangnam-gu, Chungbuk Province Citizens' Association, creating a strong bond among members and a unique friendly atmosphere.

*Oh Heung-bae, Chairman of Daeshin Regular Freight Car Co., Ltd./Logistics Division: As a pioneering logistics company in Korea, it has become a model for its competitors in terms of customer satisfaction and employee welfare.

*Koo Ja-kwan, Samkoo I&C Representative/Neighborhood Sourcing Division: Recognized as an icon of challenge and a servant leader, taking the lead in improving the global competitiveness of the domestic outsourcing industry.

*Attorney Seong-Geun Jang, Kangmul Law Office/Legal Division: As the president of the local bar association, he served the local community by creating a ‘lawyer volunteer group’ while engaging in sincere defense activities.

*Park Young-ok, CEO of Smart Income/Stock Investment Division: As a stock farmer who built assets worth 100 billion won with 43 million won in seed money, he has established himself as a mentor to ant investors.

*Kang Shin-seong, CEO of Sekwang Tax Corporation/Tax Department: Known as a ‘tax trouble doctor’ in the industry, he has shown dynamic actions as a ‘customized problem solver’ for his clients.

*Kim Young-gwi KYK Kim Young-gwi Hwan-soo CEO/Science CEO Division: Through water science research, we have been selling Korean beef water for 45 years and have proven its excellence by passing consumer verification in 58 countries around the world.

*Shin Myeong-ju, Director of Yongin Myeongju Hospital/Local medical sector: Contributing to the development of the local medical system as a health guardian for Yongin citizens armed with innovative medical technology.

*Bae Yong-geun, CEO of Plumbing Cheil Co., Ltd./Manufacturing Division: Practices a win-win strategy with business partners based on business ethics of customer satisfaction and coexistence with high-quality products.

*Kim Gwang-ja, Good Day Dazzling CEO/Hanbok Master Division: Contributes to the development of Hanbok culture by serving as a private diplomat who spreads the beauty of Korean Hanbok to the world.

*Dohee Jang, CEO of Seoul Labs/4th Industry Division: As a 4th Industry watchdog leading the first mover of chain blockchain, contributing to the development of IT and the 4th Industry.

* Jeong Jeong-soon Poet Painter/Culture Category: She is active as a poet who has published several poetry collections, while also contributing to the development of the cultural world through her active painter activities.

* Kim Geun-young, CEO of Myeongseong Prime / Sharing Category: As a female businesswoman who is a member of the Honor Society and the head of a household, she sets an example for social contribution through her various donations and sharing activities.